Hire Saundra
Finding applicable, engaging, and useful trainings can be difficult.
Saundra Bishop, MS, BCBA, LBA,CCTP is thrilled to solve that problem.
She is an excellent clinician and a well regarded speaker and trainer.
Saundra Bishop, MS, BCBA, LBA, CCTP is the founder, CEO, and Clinical Director of BASICS ABA Therapy. She is also President of DC ABA. She has over 20 years of experience working in Applied Behavior Analysis and with people with Autism/Autistic people and has been a BCBA for 13 years. She is especially passionate about Trauma-Informed Behavior Management and models that focus on self advocacy rather than compliance. She is a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and is also certified to give trainings that qualify for Type-2 CEUs, DCPS CEUs, and CFSA foster parent hours. She has recently been a Keynote speaker at the Oregon ABA conference and Utah ABA conference. She has written a handbook called The Trauma Informed Behavior Management Handbook which walks providers through the steps of creating a trauma informed treatment plan. She was a foster parent for 7 years and has 4 children with and without special needs (3 who are adopted). She loves competitive storytelling and bike riding.
Choose from existing trainings or Saundra Bishop can create a unique training for your company, event, or population.
All of these trainings can be 1, 2, or 3 hours based on your needs and the depth that is needed.
For providers or Educators with advanced experience (Available for BCBA CEUs)
● Trauma-Informed ABA Part 1: Setting Events and Antecedent Interventions
● Trauma-Informed ABA Part 2: Replacement Behaviors
● Trauma-Informed ABA Part 3: Consequence Interventions
● Using a Trauma-Informed ABA Model to Address Staff
Burn Out: An Interactive Workshop with Staff
● There is No Old ABA
● Teaching Police Safety to Autistic Young Adults
● Teaching Conversation Goals: Stepping Away from Looking at Watches While Yawning
For educators and RBTs
● ABCs of Behavior
● Increasing Motivation
● Increasing and Decreasing Behavior
● Behavioral Supports: Goal Plan Do Check, Red/Green Card, Break Card and more
● Shadowing a Student in the Classroom
● Trauma-Informed ABA Part 1: Setting Events and Antecedent Interventions
● Trauma-Informed ABA Part 2: Replacement Behaviors
● Trauma-Informed ABA Part 3: Consequence Interventions
● Using a Trauma-Informed ABA Model to Address Staff Burn Out: An Interactive
Workshop with Staff
For Parents (foster/adoptive parents as well)
● Trauma-Informed Behavior Management
● ABCs of Behavior
● Stressed Out and Tantruming
● Trauma-Informed ABA Part 1: Setting Events and Antecedent Interventions
● Trauma-Informed ABA Part 2: Replacement Behaviors
● Trauma-Informed ABA Part 3: Consequence Interventions